Thursday, July 4, 2024

Wiley vs Kaplan CFA Prep Comparison Guide


Wiley v. Schweizer

CFA exam preparation courses can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to wade through page after page of ultra-dense text provided by the CFA Institute. This is why taking a CFA study course is such a great predictor of exam success.

but Which CFA prep course is good?? Two great options Wiley Efficient Learning CFA and Kaplan Schweser CFA Re-evaluate. But of course, the answer to the question is subjective as both the offerings are tough CFA exam preparation options.

To help you decide, let’s evaluate each course’s platform, value, and other important features.

Once you’ve read the comparison, you can also read the full, separate breakdown of both Wiley CFA® and Kaplan Schweser CFA®.

Summary of Course Features

Let’s compare the features of Wiley Essential Learning CFA and Kaplan Schweizer CFA below:

How does Wiley’s platform compare to Kaplan Schweizer’s technology?

Both Wiley and Kaplan Schweser offer technology-based options that open up opportunities for their students.

Wiley is the winner of the 2021 SIIA CODiE Award for Best Adaptive-Learning Platform. Their CFA review materials are tailored to your learning style. It helps you retain more while studying and builds confidence leading to success.

Wiley CFA Platform

Wiley’s main selling point is that their platform offers bite-sized lessons that can be taken in 30-40 minutes. This is a great time-saver, especially since each section is broken down, allowing you to focus on the topics you really need help with.

Where Wiley leads with content, Kaplan leads with platform options. Mobile is the new frontier of education and most students prefer to be able to access their content on a tablet or phone. Wiley and Kaplan both acknowledge this, but only one offers a truly intuitive mobile experience.

With Kaplan’s CFA preparation course, you can access all their materials wherever you are. Additionally, they offer complementary features to help you manage your time and track your performance. Wiley tried to offer something similarly impressive, but it just doesn’t compare. So, if you want to learn on your phone, you’ll want to stick to Kaplan!

How does Wiley’s CFA video compare to Kaplan Schweizer?

Both providers offer live online instruction in the form of virtual classes. They also offer on-demand video lectures. However, it’s important to note that Kaplan Schweser only includes video lectures in their top-tier PremiumPlus package. On the other hand, Wiley offers video lessons in their Platinum and Gold courses.

Feedback from CFA candidates who have taken advantage of both preparation courses find value in both options when preparing for the CFA. However, there seems to be a clear contender for video lectures, and that is Wiley.

Wiley’s videos are much better broken down, and they offer twice the video hours of Kaplan. So, if you choose Wiley vs. Kaplan Schweizer’s CFA Review, you get 90+ hours of video lectures instead of 40 (for CFA Level I or II). If you’re studying for the CFA Level III exam, Wiley offers 50+ hours of videos. Their instructors are also hits!

It’s important to note that Kaplan Schweser offers audio notes that students seem to like. This is not something that is focused on by Willy.

Wiley has a good question bank and resources?

Question banks are one of the most important study materials that candidates look for in an online class. Regardless of learning style, candidates need plenty of practice with the CFA material to prepare for exam day. This is especially true for CFA Level I examinees because the material is highly repetitive.

When it comes to CFA question banks, both these preparation providers have almost the same number of questions available, offering thousands for each level.

The main difference is that Kaplan Schweizer’s bank seems to cover more fundamentals, giving candidates a solid understanding of the core information provided by the CFA Institute.

Wiley’s Bank offers more rigorous questions that better simulate the actual CFA exam. Their lessons are also targeted. Because of this, candidates who opt for Wiley CFA Review feel better prepared when they sit for the exam.

As for other study resources, Kaplan’s Schweizer Notes are another great add-on. This 5-volume set breaks down the CFA program curriculum and is excellent for self-study. While both offer flashcards that help you prepare for your exam date using CFA curriculum materials, Wiley is a cut above.

This brings us to an important feature: practice tests.

One area where Kaplan really differs from Wiley CFA Platinum is the number of practice tests provided. They provide four mock tests compared to the two that Wiley provides. This is a valid reason to stick with Kaplan for candidates who want lots of extra practice.

But more doesn’t mean they’re necessarily better. CFA candidates who have explored both programs agree that Wiley’s mock exams are the closest thing to the real exam offered by the CFA Institute. This makes them harder and more difficult to pass. However, it makes you more prepared.

So, if you want to self-study with lots of questions, Kaplan might be your best bet. If you want to be better prepared for what your test day will be like, Wily is a good test prep provider.

Go to Willy’s

Does Kaplan Schweizer have better value?

Kaplan is a well-known name in the world of exam preparation and for good reason. They have been offering study tools for many years, bringing a lot of value to their offerings. But of course, this comes with a trade-off, usually in the form of a higher price tag.

Unsurprisingly, CFA Prep price points run neck and neck between both the Kaplan Schweizer study materials and the Wiley course.

Here is a price overview for both the Kaplan Schweser and Wiley prep courses:

Kaplan Schweizer Wiley Skilled Education
Premium Plus Package
$1299 – $1598
Wiley CFA Platinum Course
Premium package
Wiley CFA Gold Course
Required packages
Wiley CFA Self-Study Course

It is important to note that both CFAs offer free trials. Kaplan offers one week, while Wiley lets you test their CFA materials for 14 days. If you decide you want to make the commitment, Wiley also offers up to one year of 0% financing for those who qualify.

You can save a few dollars by going with one or the other (depending on which major prep provider you choose.) However, we recommend you base your decision on other factors as the price tag doesn’t differ much.

One said access to the factor. Wiley offers access to CFA review materials and updates until you pass, while Kaplan only allows you one year.

Another thing Wiley has that isn’t about the Kaplan value is a solid guarantee. Kaplan offers a free subscription round if you fail, but the better deal is Wiley. Their pass guarantee has no exceptions and no conditions.

Go to Kaplan Schweser

Does Wiley have better support?

In terms of support, Kaplan Schweizer certainly has a good reputation. In the past, some CFA candidates complained that Wiley lacked support. Kaplan is always known for the superior way they handle customer needs.

This is something Wiley seems committed to fixing though. Their FAQ and Trainer feature is another great offering as it provides explanations of answers to tough CFA questions that candidates want to know. They also employ a live support team that can answer customer calls and concerns. Still, information about how and who to call isn’t as readily available as Kaplan.

Kaplan offers a much more helpful support team. Not only do they have multiple contact methods you can use to make your voice heard – they also have dedicated support channels for both study and technical issues. They have a great YouTube channel with lots of helpful information. This is a huge advantage over Willy.

Both have places to get answers to CFA questions in terms of community support, but Kaplan Schweizer’s community forum seems a bit more useful.

So, if you are a student who is prone to technical problems or needs extra help, Kaplan CFA is the way to go.

Final review

So, which course is better? Wiley has some real advantages, such as their video content and rigorous exam questions. Kaplan steals the show with their notes, audio offerings, and student support.

Here is a final compilation:

Wylie understands the challenges CFA® candidates face in staying engaged while studying. That’s why it designed its course with brevity in mind—bite-sized lessons are easy to find and won’t seem overwhelming or overwhelming.

You have a significant amount of material to cover before test day, so smaller lesson sizes can help you understand complex concepts. Thanks to 30-minute lessons and top-notch videos, you’ll make it through long study periods without wanting to give up or pack for good.

Wiley is reasonably priced, has many test questions, and offers mock tests like the real deal. Not only do they have great financing options, they’ll let you take the two-week test and guarantee you’ll pass the CFA with their courses. Additionally, you will have access to updates until you do.

When it comes to access and guarantees, Wiley wins, without a doubt. You can’t lose access to them until you pass the commit. Kaplan is the champion when it comes to support, offering a variety of assistance to candidates as they prepare for the CFA exam.

Hopefully, you have got a clear enough understanding of both the CFA review courses to make the right decision. But if you’re still on the fence, we recommend checking out their two free demos to see which course suits your learning style.

Is Wiley enough to pass the CFA?

Wiley is a solid source of materials needed to prepare to pass the CFA exam. They have three different levels of review courses for CFA Level I, CFA Level II and CFA Level III. Each course has different access to some of the best CFA video lectures, a huge question bank, mock tests and more. Wiley CFA’s course with CFA Institute is sufficient to pass.

Which video lectures are best for CFA Level 1?

When it comes to video lectures that are best for CFA Level I, Wiley CFA Review is the best option. Their bite-sized lessons and video lectures make difficult CFA concepts understandable. They also provide clear guidance that will help CFA aspirants clear both mock and actual CFA exams.

Are Kaplan notes sufficient for CFA?

Kaplan Schweser is a very popular provider of CFA preparation materials and can help you navigate your CFA journey with confidence. Their SchweserNotes are one of their most popular offerings and are included with their CFA review course. Although they can be purchased separately, it is not really recommended as a substitute for a CFA preparation course.

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