Monday, July 1, 2024

Spanish with Writing: Levels 1 and 2 – CLEP


Knowledge and skills are required

Test subjects are drawn from the following skills. The percentages next to key topics indicate the approximate percentage of test questions on that skill

Division I (10%)
Hearing: Rejoinders

Listening comprehension through short oral exchanges

Division II (20%)
Listening: Dialogue and Narrative

Listening comprehension through long speech selections

Division III (45%)
to read

13% Part A. Separate sentences
(Vocabulary and Structure)

15% Part B. Short closed passages
(Vocabulary and Structure)

17% Part C. Reading passages and authentic stimulus materials
(reading comprehension)

Division IV (25%)

Text: Interpersonal
Writing: Presentational

Exam Structure

The Spanish with Writing test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions to be answered in approximately 80 minutes and two writing tasks to be written in 30 minutes, for a total of approximately 110 minutes of test time.

Department of Hearing

  • The listening section is approximately 27 minutes long.
  • The amount of time you will need to answer a question varies by section and does not include the time you spend listening to the test material.
  • Time starts after the dismissal of the section instructions.
  • Volume can be changed using the Volume Testing tool.
  • The audio portion of the listening section is presented only once.

Reading section

The reading section is approximately 50 minutes.

Section of writing

The writing section consists of two writing tasks of 30 minutes each. Scroll down to the Practice section of this page to see a video on how to use the Spanish with Writing Toolbar when entering responses to your writing assignments.

Task 1: Interpersonal Writing-This writing task asks the student to write an e-mail to a friend, relative, or other acquaintance. The student has about 10 minutes to write the e-mail and the response should be at least 60 words.

Interpersonal Writing Instruction: E-mail
For the following questions, you will write an e-mail response. You have 10 minutes to read the question and write your response. Your response should be at least 60 words in length.

Para la siguiente pregunta, vas a escribir un mensaje electronico. You have 10 minutes to answer. Debes escribir un minimo de 60 palabras.

Scoring Guide: Spanish with Interpersonal Writing (E-mail Task)
Readers will assign scores based on the following scoring guide.

4 – A 4 writing sample demonstrates command in interpersonal writing.

A typical example of this category

  • Adequately addresses and completes the task with a relevant, well-developed treatment of the material of the subject

  • Responds appropriately to all or nearly all parts of the writing task in a well-organized, usually coherent response

  • Usually includes accurate social and/or cultural references

  • contains

    • Evidence of control of various structures and idioms, although some grammatical errors may occur, and very good control of basic structures.

    • Sufficient breadth of vocabulary

    • The conventions of written language (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) are generally correct

    • A sequential register

3 – A 3 writing sample demonstrates skills in interpersonal writing.

A typical example of this category

  • Addresses and completes the work with a relevant treatment of the material of the subject

  • Responds adequately to most parts of the writing task in an organized response with sufficient cohesion

  • Usually includes appropriate social and/or cultural references

  • contains

    • Some grammatical errors

    • Vocabulary is appropriate but other languages ​​may interfere at times

    • Some errors in the rules of written language (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation)

    • A generally compatible register

2 – A 2 writing sample leads to proficiency in interpersonal writing.

A typical example of this category

  • Partially addresses or partially completes the task but subject elements may have some irrelevant behavior

  • Responds inappropriately to parts of the writing task and may have inadequate organization

  • May include inaccurate social and/or cultural references

  • contains

    • frequent grammatical errors that may occur even in elementary structures; There may be some redeeming features, such as a properly developed structure

    • limited vocabulary; Frequent interference from other languages ​​may occur

    • Frequent errors (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) may appear in the conventions of written language

    • An inconsistent register

1 – Writing a 1 shows a lack of skill in interpersonal writing.

A typical example of this category

  • does not complete the task; Irrelevant material dominates

  • Responds inappropriately to most parts of the writing task

  • Includes inappropriate social and/or cultural references

  • contains

    • Numerous grammatical errors that hinder communication

    • inadequate vocabulary; Constant interference from other languages

    • Widespread errors in written language conventions (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) that can interfere with written communication

    • Minimum no attention registers

0 – A writing sample that receives this score is a restatement of the topic, does not provide sufficient language evidence to merit a score of 1, is completely irrelevant to the topic, is written in a language other than Spanish, or is completely blank.

Task 2: Presentational Writing-The second writing task asks the student to write an essay on a given topic. The student has about 20 minutes to write the essay and the response should be at least 100 words.

Each writing task is scored based on the content and grammatical accuracy of the responses.

Expository Writing: Essay
For the following questions, you will write an essay based on a given situation. You will have 20 minutes to read the task and write your essay. Your response should be at least 100 words in length.

Para la siguiente pregunta, vas a escribir una composition sobre un tema giveno. You have 20 minutes to answer. Debes escribir un mínimo de 100 palabras.

Scoring Guide: Spanish with Presentational Writing (Composition Task)
Readers will assign scores based on the following scoring guide.

4 – A 4 writing sample demonstrates good to very good command of written expression.

A typical example of this category

  • Demonstrates relevant and well-developed treatment of the subject
  • Provides necessary information
  • It includes a well-organized structure
  • contains
    • Evidence of control of various structures and idioms, although some grammatical errors may occur, and very good control of basic structures.
    • Sufficient breadth of vocabulary
    • The conventions of written language (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) are generally correct

3 – A 3 writing sample demonstrates basic to good command of written expression.

A typical example of this category

  • Displays relevant treatment of the subject
  • Provides the most essential information
  • Includes adequate organization
  • contains
    • Some grammatical errors
    • Vocabulary is appropriate but other languages ​​may interfere at times
    • Some errors in the rules of written language (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation)

2- Writing samples approaching proficiency in written expression.

A typical example of this category

  • Includes a response that may be relevant to the topic but may be partial or incomplete
  • There may be insufficient organization
  • contains
    • frequent grammatical errors that may occur even in elementary structures; There may be some redeeming features, such as a properly developed structure
    • limited vocabulary; Frequent interference from other languages ​​may occur
    • Frequent errors (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) may appear in the conventions of written language

1 – The writing sample demonstrates a lack of skill in written expression.

A typical example of this category

  • Includes a response that may be minimally relevant to the topic and provides little essential information
  • May have a disorganized structure
  • contains
    • Numerous grammatical errors that hinder communication, and/or sentence fragments
    • inadequate vocabulary; Constant interference from other languages
    • Widespread errors in written language conventions (orthography, paragraphs and punctuation) that can interfere with written communication

0 – A writing sample that receives this score is a restatement of the topic, does not provide sufficient language evidence to merit a score of 1, is completely irrelevant to the topic, is written in a language other than Spanish, or is completely blank.

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